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Abby's Last Stand Page 4

  "You okay?" Bear asked, his voice a sexy baritone in her ear.

  Abby swallowed. 'I'm great. Never better. What am I shooting at?"

  "Let's start with that rusted can and work our way over to the target board."

  She fired off a few shots but missed the can completely.

  Daylight spilled in from the huge bullet holes she'd put in the wood siding. "This is harder than it looks."

  "Ain't everything?" Snake said with his trademark winning smile. "Hard part ain't learning how to shoot a can or a piece of wood or other bits of junk. Hard part is looking a man in the eye and pullin' the trigger."

  Bear placed his hand over hers to steady the weapon. She shot and this time hit the can that went clanking loudly into the far wall. "Better." He showed her how to reload even though she'd only spent a few bullets. She practiced on a few more targets until she could hit about half of what she aimed at. Then she handed the gun back to Bear and sat down on an overturned trough.

  Snake rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "So, how come you're out here gunnin' for revenge instead of livin' a safe, happy life somewhere else?"

  She shrugged. "Like where? Who really has a safe, happy life? I don't have a family except for the mean old aunt who 43

  Abby's Last Stand

  by Michelle Marquis

  raised my sister and me, and I don't ever want to set eyes on her again. My sister never recovered from what happened to her and spends her time staring at walls in a home for afflicted folks. What am I supposed to do, try and pretend what happened to my kin don't amount to a hill of beans?

  Maybe some other folks could do that, but I just can't.

  Stewart Kemp is the man that hurt my sister, and he's gonna pay for what he done, even if that means I've gotta sit in this rotten town for the rest of my life."

  Bear cleaned the outside of the gun with a white rag. "You may not have so very far to go. When I was doing some checking around, I heard tell there's a cowboy who works for Barker by the name of Stewart."

  "Yeah. I heard he worked near town."

  Snake rubbed his hands on his jeans. "I never thought I'd say this about any woman, but I'm worried about you, Abby.

  I ain't the sentimental type, but I don't want to see you all shot up. I do believe I'm starting to have feelings for you."

  Bear nodded. "Me, too."

  Abby was stunned. Who would have imagined she'd end up with two beaus? She guessed her situation was different from most folks, but then everything about her new life was different. "That's very sweet of you both to say, and I'm fond of you both as well, but I can't go on with my life knowing Stewart is out there. How many other women's he gonna hurt? No, I can't let this go, even if it means I may end up getting shot for it."

  Both of the men's faces grew dark with worry.


  Abby's Last Stand

  by Michelle Marquis

  "Well, what about the two of you? Are you boys willing to let Barker go for killing your friend?"

  Snake was the one who answered. "Nope."

  "So, there you go," she said.

  * * * *

  They rode back in silence, each one deep in their own thoughts. Abby rode on the back of Bear's horse because she couldn't afford an animal of her own yet. Being out at the abandoned ranch all day had made her very hungry, and she was looking forward to preparing the evening meal so she and the boys could eat for free. "Are you both gonna help me in the kitchen?"

  Snake grinned. "I'm afraid I ain't much of a cook."

  "Can you wash dishes?" she asked.

  The grin faded from Snake's face. "Well, hell, Abby, ain't that women's work?"

  "No, it's work for those folks who want a free meal," she said. "If you don't help, how am I gonna convince old man Tucker you earned your share?"

  "Bear!" Snake complained to his older brother.

  "Don't be lookin' at me. I already made up my mind to peel potatoes. Maybe I can't cook, but I'm pretty good with a knife."

  She squeezed his broad shoulders. "Will you help me serve the guests, too?"

  Bear made a face like he'd been forced to eat a cactus, needles and all. "I reckon."

  She rested her head against his back. "Thank you, Bear."


  Abby's Last Stand

  by Michelle Marquis

  "What about me? Where's my 'thank you, too, Snake'?"

  "You tried to back out. I had to threaten to get you to mind. Bear knew better than to put up a fuss."

  They all laughed.

  * * * *

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  Abby's Last Stand

  by Michelle Marquis

  Chapter Eight

  Word spread that a new cook was preparing supper, and the evening crowd swelled to much more than normal. Abby had opted for a wild game stew, which was a good, darn thing because she would have been hopelessly backlogged if she'd done anything else. She'd prepared some roasted potatoes about an hour before so all she had to do was ladle a generous spoonful of stew over the potatoes and the meal was done.

  Things were so crazy in the kitchen, she had Bear and Snake running around like seasoned servers in no time. Bear was as stoic as ever, rushing bowls of stew out without complaint, but Snake had a smart remark for almost everything.

  "Table four is whining the portions are too small," Snake said.

  Abby wiped her brow and put her hands on her hips. "Well, if they want more, tell 'em to pony up some cash."

  Snake grabbed another tray of food. "I'll tell 'em, but they ain't gonna like it." He rushed out of the kitchen, almost bumping into Bear as he came back in. Finally, when Snake returned again, she put him on washing dishes and that seemed to quiet him down.

  Her meal was such a success, folks kept asking her to come out to the dining room so they could rave about her cooking. She'd never felt so good about anything in her young life. Old man Tucker was so grateful he let her keep all her 47

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  cash tips as long as she promised to cook the evening meal a few more nights. Abby happily agreed.

  * * * *

  Back in the hotel room she divided up the tips to share with Bear and Snake. Bear held up his hand to ward her off. "There ain't no need for that Abby," he said. "You worked hard and earned your money." Snake refused the money, too.

  "You worked me hard enough to charge ya, but I ate two big servings free, so I can't complain."

  "Yeah, I may have cooked it, but I couldn't have done it without the two of you."

  Snake laughed. "You did a great job in spite of us getting in your way. Besides, I thought you wanted to get that cowboy who hurt your sister. You're gonna need a gun for that and lots of bullets."

  Bear nodded. "He's right. You ain't nothing in these parts unless you got a gun."

  Abby stuffed the money into one of her carpet bags. There was such black hatred in her heart for Stewart she could barely think his name without getting sick. Oh, she had tried to let it go and move on, but she couldn't. It wasn't fair that mean ole whore's son could go on with his life and her sister's was essentially finished. No, he had to pay for what he did, and no one was going to be as willing as her. No one else could be trusted.

  Bear must have read the expression on her face. "You havin' second thoughts?"


  Abby's Last Stand

  by Michelle Marquis

  "No, I'm just wishing that slimy river rat had never come into my life."

  Snake came over and sat next to her on the bed. He tilted her face toward him and gave her a tender kiss. She leaned into him, hungry for the fiery, passionate love she'd only ever known with these two men. His rough hands caressed her throat, which relaxed the muscles and awakened her desire.

  Snake undressed her and nestled her into the rich softness right in the center of the bed as Bear watched. There was no judgment in the big man's eyes, only a mysterious darkness that made her think he was
hungry for yet another evening of sin.

  Snake undressed her and opened her legs wide so Bear could clearly see her moist, pink sex. Then Snake sucked her nipples while he toyed with her, his fingers soft and gentle as they rubbed her fleshy petals. Fierce desire fired her, and need was all she could feel. She longed for both men to touch and enjoy her. She loved their different scents, their different bodies, their different intensities.

  Her body withered and squirmed as she occasionally dared a glance at Bear. But every time their eyes met, he just watched as her hunger built into a fever. Snake entered her.

  His velvet cock massaged its way into her center, coaxing new and unexpected pleasures from her flesh. She forgot about everything and let go, surrendering to the exquisite feeling that enveloped her.

  Then, just as her climax was building, Bear came over. He crouched by the headboard and blew in her ear. He whispered how beautiful she was and how sexy he found her while she 49

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  made love to his brother. His rumbling voice soothed and excited her even more. He kissed her once, twice, three times. They were grazing kisses that made her want so much more. Something inside her exploded, and she cried out. She bucked her hips up to Snake again and again, crying out both their names as she lost herself to the needs of her body. A moment later, Snake climaxed too and rolled off, panting.

  Bear undressed and got into bed next to her, sandwiching her in the middle. "Ride me."

  Abby kissed him and straddled his hips. His large cock was swollen and ready as she lowered her pussy down onto his shaft. He grunted when she'd worked all his length in. Bear massaged her breasts as Abby rocked her hips back and forth. His cock stretched and filled her, reaching places inside that screamed to be touched. Her desire built quickly, and soon she found herself bouncing on him eagerly and moaning loudly.

  "That's right, Abby," Bear whispered. "You go on and take us to heaven."

  Abby worked hard enough to feel sweat run down between her shoulder blades. Her breasts bounced and were captured by his eager mouth. Heat spread all through her along with the most intense pleasure she'd ever known.

  She was close, so very close. She was going to come really hard this time.

  Next to them she could hear Snake softly snoring and wondered who on earth could sleep through the racket she and Bear were making. But then that was Snake; not much bothered him except the prospect of dying.


  Abby's Last Stand

  by Michelle Marquis

  Bear pumped harder, faster. Strong hands held her firm as his cock rocketed in and out of her desperate pussy. A second later a flicker of delight moved through her, followed by an avalanche of white-hot ecstasy.

  "Bear! Bear! Bear!" Abby cried as her whole body seized and trembled. He growled and froze, emptying his essence into her as her body drank it up. Then she let herself fall on the bed like a broken tree.

  Bear wrapped his arms around her and gave her a warm hug. A moment later, just like Snake, he was asleep. A second after that, she was, too.

  * * * *

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  Abby's Last Stand

  by Michelle Marquis

  Chapter Nine

  The next morning Abby got up early and went with Snake to buy her first gun. She had to admit she was a little excited and somewhat scared, too. She was excited because this was a bold new step, an action that said loud and clear she was serious about undertaking this new identity as a gunslinger.

  But, on the other hand, she was afraid her desire for revenge was something she'd live to regret. Could she really gun down her sister's assailant and live with what she'd done? Course she could. She'd wanted to hunt down that man ever since she'd seen what he'd done, and now finally she'd get the chance.

  Nothing was going to stop her. Not even her doubt.

  Snake helped her pick out the right one and a fine looking holster to boot. Then Abby bought a few pairs of jeans and some simple button-down shirts. Before she'd come, she had thrown a whole closet full of dresses away. The woman who wore those clothes didn't exist anymore. Abby Wimple was dead. Long live the new, deadlier, and more liberated Abby.

  She emerged from the general store looking and feeling like a whole new woman.

  "Well," she said as she twirled around so Snake could take in all of her. "What do you think?"

  His smile was bright white in a tanned face. "You're a handsome woman, Abby. Don't matter what you're wearing.

  You'd look good in a nun's habit."


  Abby's Last Stand

  by Michelle Marquis

  Abby grinned as a shadow fell over them. It was Bear, and he had a look on his face that froze Abby's blood. Something was wrong. He touched his hat to her. "You look mighty fine, Abby. But I have to admit, I miss seeing all your curves in a dress."

  "Maybe when this is all over I'll get one of them fancy Paris numbers," she said with a wink.

  Bear took out a bandana and rubbed sweat off the back of his neck. It wasn't even midday, and the sun was mercilessly hot. "Barker's coming, and he's got a cowboy with him by the name of Stewart." Bear squinted at her. "From what you've told us, sounds like the man you're looking for."

  Her stomach turned to ice. This was the day. She knew it.

  She could feel Snake stiffen next to her. "Well, hell," Snake said as he pushed his hat back on his head. "I knew our little love triangle might someday come to an end, but I didn't think it would be today."

  Abby stared at him. "Nothing is ending."

  Snake grinned, but it was strained. He seemed very worried.

  Abby's heart ached for both of them. She didn't think it was possible to love two men at the same time, but she did, and she would be damned before any harm came to either of them—or herself for that matter. "Our threesome ain't coming to an end, Snake. What's coming to an end is the life of two really bad men. That's all."

  Bear nodded. "Might as well wait in the saloon for them to show up. That'd be the first place ole Barker would go. We're bound to meet up with them there."


  Abby's Last Stand

  by Michelle Marquis

  * * * *

  Raised as a good Christian woman, Abby had never taken a drink before. It wasn't that she objected to it, but it had never been around her growing up. But being that today might be her last, she took a straight shot of whiskey and sat at a table to play cards with Bear and Snake. She glanced at their reflection in the mirror behind the bar. She saw two rugged-looking outlaws: one blond with blue eyes and a long, lean frame, and the other thicker and taller with dark hair and eyes. Then there was her, looking like a renegade woman with long, brown hair tied in a ponytail and dressed in men's clothes. Funny, she felt more at ease now than she had in all the years before. She felt like she was finally finding her true self, not the imposed image others had put on her. No matter what happened today, she'd never regret the choices she'd made so far for these two wonderful men who'd set her mind and body free. Although she longed to be good and drunk before Barker and Stewart showed up, she was careful. It wouldn't do to be so drunk she couldn't hit the side of a barn. So she, Bear, and Snake occupied their time playing cards for wooden Indian coins.

  In a small town like this, news travels fast, and it didn't take long for Barker and his companion to learn there were three gunslingers waiting for them at the saloon. They came in, and the place grew quieter than a three-man funeral.

  Abby reached under the table and placed her hand on her gun. The metal was cool to the touch and reassured her. An 54

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  icy sense of comfort filled her as she realized she wasn't afraid to kill or die. Nothing was worse than the stifling repression she'd lived under before coming here. It was an amazing feeling to be able to speak one's mind and not be afraid of what someone might think of you. She no longer had to an
swer to anyone. Not a husband or a spinster aunt or anyone else who might want to weigh in. She could go where she pleased and do anything she fancied. She was reborn in these dull, gray clothes and this shiny new gun; she was a gunslinger.

  Barker and Stewart moseyed up to their table with spurs jingling. They stopped a few feet away, and it was Barker who spoke first.

  "Hear tell there're some sidewinders looking for a go at me," Barker said, fixing his steely gaze on Bear.

  Bear lifted his dark brown eyes, and Abby could have sworn she saw skulls in them. "You heard right, Barker." He lifted his chin toward Abby. "We also got a friend who wants a reckoning with your boy there, too."

  "Oh, is that right?" Barker sneered.

  "Check it out," Stewart said with a sideways grin. He looked like a rodeo clown telling a really lame joke. "They got a woman with them dressed like a man." His features suddenly became very serious. He lifted a finger and pointed at Abby. "When this is all done, I get her."

  A current of vengeful fury filled Abby. Hatred as clean and pure as the love she felt for Bear and Snake bubbled to the surface. It was dark poison and filled her heart with animal rage. She stood up and rested her hand on her revolver.


  Abby's Last Stand

  by Michelle Marquis

  "Why wait?" she asked. "Why not take me now? I'm more than ready for the likes of you."

  Stewart let out a nervous laugh. "What's this? She can't be serious."

  Snake gathered up the cards as if he were bored. He dealt another hand for the table. "She ain't one for foolin'. I figure she means ever word she said."

  Stewart held his hands up in a mock show of surrender.

  "Easy there, little lady. I don't know what I've done to offend you, but—"

  "You offend me because you draw breath, sir," she said through her teeth. "You offend me because you're a maggot on the corpse of civility, and I'm aimin' to teach you some manners, good and proper."